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Tricare is the U.S. military’s health care program for current and former service members and their families and it functions as a government-managed health insurance.  

  • Claims denied by Tricare, TriWest and TriEast as NCS, the case should be ZBAL,  escalate via SYNCRO CRM as a ZBAL request with detailed notes about the denial.
    • If denied, agents must inform the patients that since Tricare denied their claim we will be canceling the balance but another statement could be on the way and to disregard.
  • If Tricare, TriWest and TriEast leaves patient’s responsibility (deductible, co-insurance, copayment) the patient is responsible for the amount billed, and you must follow the walkdown.



Last update by: Claudia F (June 21, 2024)

Views: 1191