LIMS Matrix

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In this Document, you will find information and procedures related to LIMS  (Laboratory Information Management System):

Quick tips:

  • LIMS is a reference system for PT information, Linked Cases, and Redraws
  • You must search patients in LIMS by name and DOB regardless of whether you have a case number. This will ensure you have access to all of the case numbers associated with the patient.
  • Regardless if the case loads in AMD or not, please ensure you also read LIMS notes to be fully aware of any special approval, authorized user, or any other important instruction.
  • If the Case is not in AMD, use the notes section in LIMS to register your interaction.
  • You can also check for Test Results and the Requisition Form in LIMS
  • If you are looking for the patient’s signature on an Electronic Requisition Form, please search the note with the subject line as HL7 Order XML and click on the attachment link you will see. Search for the keyword “SIGN,” and this is how you can determine if the Requisition Form was signed or not.


When patients go to the clinic to have one of our tests performed, the samples, along with the Requisition Form, will be sent via mail, and it will take 24 to 72 hours to get to Natera’s Laboratory.

During that time patients may not have their case number; if that’s the case, search for it through LIMS by asking their first/last name and DOB.

If there’s a case number, continue with the authentication and proceed to identify the reason for their call so you can handle it appropriately.

If there’s no case number, continue to ask probing questions to have a better understanding, such as:

    • “Have you taken the test already?”
  • If they haven’t performed the test yet, ask how you may be of service and handle it accordingly.
  • If they have already taken the test, continue asking, “When did you take it?”
  • If it’s within the first 72 hours, identify the reason for their call.
  • If the patient wants a billing estimate through the insurance, transfer the call to PTE.
  • If the patient needs help with the online portal or wants to schedule a Genetic Counseling session, these questions will be answered by the Test Status team. Advise the Pt to Email any questions or concerns to [email protected] The TAT is 72 hours to get a response.

Whether there’s a case number or not, if patients call in to get an idea of how many days Natera will take to generate results, you can give a vague idea of 5 to 7 business days. Still, the question is to be handled by the Test Status department as well.


If the patient is requesting them, please ask patients to contact their clinic so details can be shared.  

If the patient insists or says the clinic doesn’t have them, please warm transfer the call to Customer Support. 



Last update by: Claudia F (September 5, 2024)

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