Below you will find the questions included in the Phone QC Scorecard.
This scorecard was created and designed by Natera.
Some questions carry significant importance and sensitivity; failure to address these appropriately may result in an autofail (zero score), while others may lead to markdowns.
Make sure to utilize all available resources to provide accurate answers, take ownership of the call, and effectively resolve the caller’s issues or inquiries.
Proper HIPAA Verification |
DemographicsThis is to be done with the Patient and Authorized user No consent is needed to add or update any of the fields. |
Branding |
Professionalism |
EfficiencyThis is about how the agent communicated. |
Call Management |
Other Questions
Question # 1 |
Did the agent follow the correct process? |
Question # 2 |
Adhere to payment compliance by pausing recording while getting credit card information? For Natera Escalations only |
Question # 3 |
If the call was transferred, did the agent transfer the call to the correct department? (if applicable) |
Question # 4 |
Followed the proper escalation pathways? |
Question # 5 |
Did the agent select the appropriate call disposition? |
Question # 6 |
Did the agent leave clear, concise, and accurate notes? |
Reasons for Auto fails
Disclaimer for Reasons of Auto fails
These are the reasons listed for auto fails; however, this does not mean that other situations not explicitly mentioned may not also negatively impact the call and be considered a reason for an auto fail.
We maintain strict standards regarding autofails, and it is essential to follow all outlined directions. If you are ever in doubt, please reach out to your CSS or assigned QA for guidance.
HIPAA Verification |
Processes |
Escalation Pathways |
Documentation |
Last update by: Nina O (Oct 16, 2024)