Immediate and Unknown to Insurance

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Common Reasons for Claim Denials

Incorrect or incomplete insurance information: This includes errors in the patient’s insurance details.
Inactive insurance at the time of service: The insurance may no longer be active by the date the service was provided.

Please ensure that all insurance details are accurate and up-to-date.
All you have to do is confirm the insurance details with the patient. 

Insurance Name:
Subscriber Name:
Subscriber to Patient Relationship (Self / Dependent):
Patient Email Address:
Policy / Subscriber #:
Group # (if applicable):
Primary / Secondary:
Medicaid (Y/N):
Effective Date:
Insurance Phone #:
Claims Address (if applicable):

Please document and warm transfer the call to PTE. The PTE agent will then perform an estimate and make the switch if the patient decides to proceed with billing their insurance. 
If the insurance is registered as UNKNOWN, please follow the same process.

Related Topics: Insurance Update Matrix


Last update by: Nina O (Oct 9, 2024)

Views: 1674