PTPA Empower

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PTPA Cases –  PTP/PTE Process

  • Do not call out.
  • Close cases to Bill Insurance


What is PTPA?

PTPA means the case has insurance that requires a genetic counseling session – the PA team will reach out to them.

PTP agents may get straight inbound calls for PTPA cases. Follow the steps below if this happens:

  1. Check-in Natera Care / Payor Group if the case is PTPA
  2. Warm transfer the call to the Prior Auth team
  • The PA team will check for consent and transfer the call to a genetic counselor when consent is present. If consent is missing or incomplete, they will collect verbal consent.
  • If you find one of these cases on the outbound list, close it to bill insurance, and add notes saying it was closed due to payor PTPA.
  • If the patient wants to verify the billing options, let them know that they will get a bill with the billing information in 30/45 business days, and if they have any questions, to call once they have the bill.
  • If the patient calls because of a missed call, review the notes to see who called the patient and transfer the patient to the correct department.



Last update by: Claudia F (August 22, 2024)

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